Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, or motivation? Here’s how to fix it!
"People try to get away from it all—to the country, to the beach, to the mountains. You always wish that you could too. Which is idiotic: you can get away from it anytime you like. By going within. Nowhere you can go is more peaceful—more free of interruptions—than your own soul." — Marcus Aurelius
Always solving problems is no way to live — even if it helps us secure a living.
As Seneca says,
"There is nothing the busy man is less busied with than living."
To slow down and take it all in, enjoy, and recharge so we can pour all the good energy back into our work and everything else we’re juggling is the way.
Solitude ought to be part of our ritual to the good life.
The practice helps us remember our values, reflect on where and how we've lost our way and how to fix it, feel gratitude for what's good — for being alive under the care of the elements, refine what we're working on, and even get creative ideas.
We nourish the soul by reminding ourselves of our independence, ridding ourselves of the excesses we’ve convinced ourselves are essential, and grounding our lives to the timeless rhythm within.
This doesn't have to take the form of endless vacations, retreats into the woods, or traveling. That becomes escapism and the value and enjoyment of such activities diminishes the more we exceed moderation.
Even Seneca cautioned against it saying,
"How can you wonder your travels do you no good, when you carry yourself around with you? You are saddled with the very thing that drove you away."
The alternative?
We can meditate for a few minutes, journal while taking a cup of coffee in the silent wee hours, or take the weekend off for a nature walk — all while being careful not to overdo it.
"Keep it brief and basic. A quick visit should be enough to ward off all...and send you back ready to face what awaits you."
You can go to train at the gym alone while listening to some music.
Paint, draw — visit an art gallery.
Stop by a restaurant. Grab a drink and some good food by yourself.
Fast for 24 hours or longer.
You can immerse yourself in a good book.
Go for a run. Or an evening walk to your favorite spot while catching the beautiful sunset.
Anything to help us decompress and tune out from the world to enrich the spirit we feed off and maintain a harmonious balance of flourishing and happiness.
It doesn’t take or cost much.
See you tomorrow. xo