This post contains what must be thoroughly understood down to our bones, and yet, it slips by us because it is so straightforward and easily missed, since, it is simple to understand but not esoteric enough for us to play very close attention to.

Epictetus is not someone to dismiss because his language is not as elegant as Marcus Aurelius. He is calling to us — Now — and his message has arrived traveling 1,880 years to get here — now.

I did not feel the full gravity of it’s meaning and power at first and up to the 20th time I read it….but from time to time other writer’s parse what Epictetus is pointing out directly to us and by memorizing key passages that open up a portal of direct transmission to the message a new understanding dawns and what is revealed to us is — that we are “veiled” in various ways that we don’t see, therefore, the power in the words used in the writing and — the words do not — crack us open enough to actually “grok” the full power of it’s meaning — as an integral part of — our being.

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Very well said Melville. It’s not until we read his teachings a couple times to internalize the philosophy that we can appreciate the overall message of what he’s telling us. Careful reading and practice are what make for solid artful living.

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So true. ❤️

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Thank you for reading Paolo!

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Freedom comes from realising that everything we think and do is deterministic

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